Acceptable Use Policy
Effective: July 2021
This Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) governs your use of Short Codes, your registration of Short Codes, and any Short Code campaigns that use Short Codes registered to you or used by you. As used in this AUP, the term "you" or “your” refers to any party that registers a Short Code; operates a campaign that uses a Short Code; a party that sells the goods or services advertised with a Short Code; or any other user or advertiser of a Short Code, and their employees and agents.
Any violation of this AUP by you may result in penalties, including but not limited to the inability to register new Short Codes or renew existing Short Codes. The Short Code Registry and the wireless carriers may impose such penalties without notice to you. The Short Code Registry may change this AUP at any time by posting notice of the change to (“Website”).
The following requirements apply to your use of Short Codes:
- You will comply with the terms of the Registrant Sublicense Agreement as executed between you and iconectiv, LLC, the Short Code Registry Provider.
- You will comply with the terms of any applicable policies of the wireless carriers, including, but not limited to, the terms of each wireless carrier's documentation regarding Short Codes and Short Code campaigns.
- You will not use a Short Code for any illegal purpose.
- You will not use a Short Code in a manner that violates the legal rights of any person (including, but not limited to, intellectual property or privacy rights).
- You will not use a Short Code for the purpose of facilitating the sending of spam or other unlawful unsolicited messages to wireless subscribers.
- You will not use a Short Code for the purpose of facilitating the sending of messages that are unlawful, defamatory, obscene, harassing, threatening, abusive, or fraudulent.
- You will ensure that your Short Code program (including all advertising and promotional material) clearly discloses the material terms and conditions of the program, including pricing and fees, in accordance with the requirements contained in the documents referenced in sections (1) and (2) above.
- You will ensure that your Short Code campaign complies with all applicable requirements for consent, opt-in, and opt-out by a wireless subscriber (including those requirements contained in the documents referenced in sections (1) and (2) above.
- You will ensure that your Short Code campaign complies with all applicable requirements for disclosure of fees (including both fees imposed by you and any fees that may be imposed by a wireless carrier) to a wireless subscriber (including those requirements contained in the documents referenced in sections (1) and (2) above.
- In any dispute or claim relating to the suspension, termination, non-renewal, or denied application for a Short Code due to an allegation that an aggregator or any content provider (whether a Short Code content provider or a campaign content provider) has violated this AUP or failed to keep application information true, current, complete, and accurate, the aggregator or content provider must, prior to bringing an arbitration under the Registrant Sublicense Agreement, complete nonbinding mediation or complete a similar nonbinding mediation facilitated by a mediation service that the parties mutually agree to use.